This document represents the first intellectual output produced under the Erasmus+ project “From EQAVET principles (building blocks) to real quality in WBL on business and company level – self-evaluation, audit and continuous improvement (WBL-Q)”. The WBL-Q project aims to significantly contribute to the quality of Work-Based Learning processes (WBL) in businesses and companies across Europe by establishing a reliable, valid and relevant list of quality criteria indicators which can be used to significantly improve the quality of work-based learning processes in business and companies.
Between December 2020 and March 2021, consortium members conducted both desk-based and field-based research, with the aim of identifying the current provision of VET across Europe. A series of telephone and online communication interviews were conducted, in addition to an online questionnaire, which were provided to stakeholders involved in WBL systems including: Business owners, HR professionals, WBL responsible persons, VET providers, VET tutors, and VET learners.